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Sunday, March 18, 2007

Werebeast Warrior Skills

After reading some posts I've found out that the Werebeast Metamorph is called a Warrior. Since all my files were lost I've decided to post the Warrior skills that was saved by Google Spreadsheets. This is from Gameflier translated by Google Language Tools. The icons can't seem to be copied to Google Spreadsheets, sorry about that. And I didn't try to translate or change anything because I'm not sure what they really meant. Close Beta is coming soon so I might be able to post the Skills in english.

Dipsy Doodles

Hello everyone! I still haven't posted anything about Perfect World because my pc can't read asian texts. I don't remember what I need to have in order to view those.
Anyway, my work schedule has just changed and tomorrow's going to be my seventh day at work. Arrrgh! Seven days straight! I just hope Perfect World Maintenance won't fall on a Tuesday or a Wednesday.
Here's some videos of Dipsdips, Vina's bear for about sixteen years. Dips is two years-old, she turns two every February 14.(she resets the night before her birthday,just don't tell her!lol) Here's what Vina has to say about Dips,
"...she's the cutest, the most lovable bear in the whole world! She's the king and master of all our bears. Beware of her during the full moon because she turns into a "meowing bear",don't worry because meowing bears only eat kids. Just keep your camera ready because meowing bears hate the flash from a camera. Dips doesn't like mirrors because she sees Dopsdops,her evil twin who is a boy and loves "chicks"(girls). She's part-time "trapo", part-time "bimpo". Dips loves making friends and saying "hi" to strangers..."

By the way, here's a link to Dipsdips' Friendster.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

The path of the beast...

As seen from my previous posts, I'm definitely going to pick the Werebeast Race. This race is basically half-human, half-beast. From what I've seen so far, the males have a human body and a beast head while the females have animal ears and tails. There are two classes in this race, the metamorphs and the summoners. The metamorph class looks to be exclusive to male characters and the summoner to females, we'll have to find out more to confirm this one though.

I would like to be a metamorph werebeast, one can transform into an animal or beast, although I don't know how it happens, maybe you have to shout "beast mode!" or something. lolz! The main weapon of the metamorphs is the Tomahawk Hammer, I haven't been able to post the skills but there's this skill that has the chance/will stun your opponents. I think it's also cool that they have the skill to stay longer under water(Swimming is one of the features of Perfect World).

My girlfriend and I also like the idea that your companion can ride you when you're in beast/animal form (see my previous post for pics), and one of my favorite animals is the white tiger so 'yay!' for me!

I really don't know much about the classes in Perfect World because there so few resources, but I try to find what I can. Anyway, here are some pics of the Werebeast Metamorph...(the second pic looks like rage mode hehehe).

ps. my pc crashed and i had to reformat it, all my files are gone that's why i had to rush this just to join in wauk's promo. i'll update this later when i have all the tools i need.(even if i don't win i'll still update hehe)

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

So I am a virus now???

I was looking for screenshots to post here from Perfect World China when this error suddenly showed up. wtf! I was using Google Language Tools to translate the pages and I was just clicking my hearts out. I can't even find Google's Customer Support page, maybe because it's a free service that's why there's no customer support.*sigh*
Anyway, these were all I can find.
These are the diferent mouse pointers; from what I could gather, it means:
1. move character
2. attack
3. select/pick items from the ground
4. collect materials eg. minerals
5. npc dialouge
6. repair items

This one features the Mount System, wherein you can have your comrade or in this case your loved one ride in the mount with you. This also features some kissing hehehe, and of course my favorite race, the Werebeast. It just looks a little bit odd doesn't it?
This one features the flying and if I'm not mistaken, the transformation of the Werebeast metamorph. yay! This could mean that when you transform, you can carry others on your back.
Or if not, I guess when you have a really large flying mount maybe you can ride it with your land mount. huh? I think I'll just go with the first one.

These three I'm guessing are some of the summons of the Werebeast summoners or maybe they're pets? I'm not really sure. Anyway, these are all I got before I was disrupted. -_- I hope you enjoyed!

ps. These images were brought to you from Perfect World China and disrupted by Google Language Tools thinking I was a virus or spyware or something like that.

Perfect World Video

I found this video of Perfect World on You Tube.
Vina and I really want to have that polar bear pet/mount/whatever but I'm thinking that it's probably for the high level characters. She really loves bears and teddy bears, maybe I'll post a video of Dips dips, her teddy bear for maybe 15 or so years.
Anyway, here's the video...

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

No cbt for me?

I didn't get a Perfect World cbt account from GM Tristan's Blog because I came home from work almost two hours after the questions were sent. T_T I feel sad because I don't think I'll be getting any cbt account, better try again tomorrow...
I'm still trying to figure out how to post the skill descriptions of the werebeast skills. I just hope I'll be able to figure it out before the official skills are announced. hehe!
Anyway, here's one of the skills of the Metamorph Werebeast. I translated it from GameFlier using Language Tools. I don't know how accurate it is but hey, at least I get a little taste of Perfect World.

ps. click on the image to make it larger. hehe

Monday, March 12, 2007

Release the Beast within

Perfect World is just around the corner, closed-beta test is set for march 19 and will launch by mid-May. Read more from Waukster.

I first saw Perfect World when the year started while I was looking for a! What caught my attention at first was the character customization wherein you can actually make your character look like you.
It would definitely make my girlfriend want to play because she didn't join me in RF. Anyway, I started searching for sites related to Perfect World so that I could learn more about the game but they were in Chinese! Luckily, news came out that Level Up! will be publishing the game in the Philippines. yay!
Aside from the character customization, Perfect World also features flying, swimming, mounts, City Battle System, and whole lot more! What I really like though is the Werebeast race, half human, half beast. I heard you can transform into a beast of some kind, while the female class of the race can summon monsters/beasts. I'm really excited about this game and I hope I can play it soon!
I also made this skill tree of Werebeast, I think they call it the Metamorph class. I'm not sure about the accuracy of the skill tree though because I took the info from GameFlier and translated it with Google Language Tools. lol! Please don't be harsh on my skill tree, it's my first time doing something like this. hehe! I might post the skill description but they don't make much sense. LOL!